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Thursday, 19 August 2010

Can you see what it is yet?

Colin Lee and Brian Whaymand can be seen here working on a new piece of kit for St John's. But what is it? Only silly answers please :-)


Pat said...

Not the M.U. noticeboard at last?

Unknown said...

A mould for chocolate tuilles be prepared for St John's communal entrance into the Masterchef competition?

Janet J said...

A kneeler mould?

Anonymous said...

Anyone can see it's a frame to keep the choir in place, to stop them wandering around during the peace!

Anonymous said...

Secret Led Zepplin fans at work on the "stairway to heaven"?

Anonymous said...

side panel for a communal bath ?

Worcester Park said...

Is it a large print hymn board?

Liz said...
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