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Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Rainbow cakes ...

As part of the Girlguiding’s “Changing the World” project, the Rainbows have put up a display at St John’s of their photographs showing the vast differences between their lives here in the UK and those of children living in a third world country. The purpose of the exhibition is to raise awareness of Plan UK’s Because I am a girl campaign which aims to improve the lives of girls in developing and war-torn countries who are unable to reach their potential because of burden put on them from a young age. Plan wants to raise £50,000 to help build a village school for girls in Liberia.

On 17th May, the Rainbows held one of their excellent cake sales after the 9.45 service to raise funds for the Because I am a Girl campaign and also for their unit. Scouts and Guides as well as the congregation were all very hungry after the service and the cakes were eagerly snapped up. As a result, the Rainbows are sending £41 to Plan UK, along with the 47 pledges of support collected.

If you would like to know more about Plan UK, would like to pledge your support, sponsor a child, or make a donation, click on the link below to visit their website.


The Rainbow’s display will be around for another couple of weeks, so next time you are in the coffee lounge, take time to have a look – the cakes may have all gone, but there’s plenty of food for thought!


Anonymous said...

This is fantastic to see young girls involved in a project like this. Well done organisers!

Anonymous said...

Some of us can remember Alex when she was that size!!