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Friday, 5 June 2009

Vision Project

After its recommendation that we should restructure our committee system, can anything even more exciting come out of St John's Vision Project. Yes it can.

Coming soon ...

A link with Zimbabwe
We are going to set up a link between St John's and a parish in Zimbabwe. This will give us the chance to get to know Christians living in a very different situation to our own. Watch this space.

Get to know your Bible or even Get a Bible
What were the names of Noah's three sons?
What happened in Zaraphath?
Where did Jesus say 'it's better to give than to receive'?
Thought so.

We are going to have a two year project to bring us all up to speed with our Bibles And it won't just be study groups ... there's at least one film lined up.
Watch out for an extra reading in the Sunday services from September; Bibles in the pews next year.

More from the Vision Project later.


Anonymous said...

Exciting innovative stuff - well done and thanks our "Vision Project Team" for your sterling work. How lucky we are at the St John's to have you all.

Anonymous said...

Bible questions:

Noah's sons were: Ham, Seth and Japeth

Zarephath - see 1 Kings 17 8 - 24

can't find where it is better to give than to receive is?

Are you going to enlighten us ED?
(clever way to get us to put our noses in our bibles)

Kevin Scott said...

Aha! Bit of a tricky question this. Paul quotes Jesus in Acts of the Apostles 20.35:

In all this I have given you an example that by such work we must support the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, for he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

But where do we find those words of Jesus in the Gospels?