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Saturday 16 July 2016

It’s a Black Dog Day

In the first week of August I’m walking the Hadrian’s Wall Path,all 85 miles of it. Together with a friend from work I’m raising money for the charity SANE.

Winston Churchill described his depression as living with the blackdog. As I approached my 40th birthday, I didn’t realise I was living with my own black dog and suffering from a very acute depression. Significant medical intervention and a lot of support from family,friends and the community at St John’s helped me to understand my illness and find my way slowly to recovery. Many people are less fortunate and are faced not only with a debilitating illness, but with significant discrimination and stigma surrounding it.

Ten years later I am giving thanks for my life by using the whole of my 50th year to raise funds for SANE, one of the leading charities in the UK working to improve quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness. So I am now asking for your money and support to help me in making this birthday year significant and, in a small way, help the lives of those living with mental illness. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/SionandHarvey

But I am also aware that at any one time 1 in 4 people, 25% of the population, are being affected by mental health issues. If you need help now, know that there are people you can talk to. There is advice available at SANE’s website at

http://www.sane.org.uk/what_we_do/support/or you can call SANEline on 0300 304 7000 from 6pm - 11pm every evening.

Please help me to help make a difference for many.

Harvey Howlett  

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