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Saturday, 20 June 2009

Maeldune Fayre

Well done Anne and Lynn! Well done everyone!


Anonymous said...

Brilliant event!

Thank you Anne and Lynn.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely day. This was one of the nicest Fairs we've had. Thankyou organisers.

Anonymous said...

The picture of the Mayor with Anne, Steven and Lorraine Clark is a great advert for Fair Trade.

Great pictures Ed, and many many thanks again to Lynn and Anne for another succesful happy and hopefully succesful day.

Didn't we do well!! (Hopefully)


Andrew said...

Had a great time, had lots of entertainment and won the secret auction for the baby sitting service, brilliant. Also I see we made it into one of the photos, all be it in the background, sat outside the pub. A lovely day. See if u can spot us :-) (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_y1uq-qRukvY/SjzJfqe4aQI/AAAAAAAAAMg/LUJcpkR2c1c/s1600-h/DSC00941.JPG)

Kevin Scott said...

Got you straight away Andrew, despite the disguise. Hope all the orange paint came off okay ... :-)

Ann Roberts said...

What great comments. It makes it all worthwhile and it looks like it was even more sucessfull than last year, which is great. We really could not do this without everyone else being so generous with their time and energy so thank you...all of you

Anonymous said...

Well done Anne and Lynn. It was a lovely day and a great start to a special weekend. Thankyou.