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Friday, 30 May 2014

Scouts Big Challenge............

Cub scouts from the 1st Old Malden (St John the Baptist) Scout Group Royal Kingston, collapse exhausted in their Old Malden Headquarters May 24th, after a marathon tour of their local district distributing their own designed Fair Program.

The Cub Scouts, and their fellow Beavers and Scouts, were given a challenge to help raise enough money to buy a new mini bus for the Group.

Part of the challenge was to design a suitable and attractive front cover and poster for the Group’s annual Fair, with a prize to be given for the best design. The Group’s annual Fair takes place on June 7th at Plough Green Worcester Park, and will be formally opened by the Mayor of Kingston.
The event, is recognized as the start of the local summer attractions and always attracts a large gathering.
Pictures show:
1.Beaver Scouts Sam Utting and Thomas Ghafur proudly display their winning entry
2.Cub Scouts from ‘Cornwell Pack’ after their marathon programme distribution tour.

Pictures by John Eggitt.

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