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Sunday, 8 June 2014


The Village Green came alive once again in Old Malden when 1st Old Malden (St. John's) Scout Group held its annual Summer Fair on Saturday, 7th June. The new Mayor of Kingston, Cllr. Ken Smith with his wife the Mayoress, Mrs Madeleine Smith, along with the Deputy Mayor Councillor Cathy Roberts, called in to join in the fun and couldn't resist having a go at most of stalls. Now in it’s 30th consecutive year, the Scouts' Summer Fair marks the start of the usual cycle of school and church fairs in the local area and the Scout Group prides itself in setting the benchmark for others to follow. Considering the inclement weather at the start of the day, the fair took receipts close over £3000, a figure which is likely to increase once all calculations have been made. Money raised goes directly to helping the Group and this year to provide a new Mini Bus.This facility will help the 100 or more young people with the experience and  fun and adventure Scouting has to offer. The Group is always on the lookout for new members or adults to give assistance to existing leaders.

Pictures show the mayor enjoying a tour of the fair

Scouts and adult helpers try their hand at the age old challenge of trek cart racing.

Pictures by John Eggitt

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